K.C.K. is a community intervention initiative that uses an Original and Traditional Martial Art system designed to arm youth with self-empowerment, leadership and integrity.
Our vision is that every child participating in K.C.K. becomes a powerful presence in his or her community in such a manner as to make a positive
and profound impact.
Aug. 20th
Summer K.iC.K. Camp
Yellow Belt test and promotions
Joseph E Gary
Aug. 10-13th
Summer K.iC.K. Camp
3rd Yellow Tip test and promotions
Joseph E Gary
Aug. 06
Summer K.iC.K. Camp
1st Orange Tip test and promotions
Joseph E Gary
July 27-30th
Summer K.iC.K. Camp
Project "Clean Sweep"
Joseph E Gary
July 20-23th
Summer K.iC.K. Camp
2nd Yellow Tip test and promotions
Joseph E Gary
July 06-09th
Summer K.iC.K. Camp
1st Yellow Tip test and promotions
Joseph E Gary
June 15th
Summer K.iC.K. Camp begins
Joseph E Gary
June 9th
K.iC.K.Year-end Celebration (Pizza/Movie)
Joseph E Gary
June 3rd
Fine Arts Celebration
Saucedo Elementary School
May 26th
Team competition
Joseph E Gary
May 26th
Yellow belt Test
Joseph E Gary
May 24th
2009 PKC
Great Lake National
Martial Arts Championship
Mariville IN.
May 11th
Spring assembly
Joseph E Gary
May 6th
Mothers Day assembly
Joseph E Gary
2008-2009 AllStar Kenpo Karate Team Gallary
2009 Summer K.iC.K. Camp (coming soon)
2009-2010 AllStar Kenpo Karate Team (coming soon)